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Do Your Kids Stress You Out?

Do Your Kids Stress You Out?

Man looking at baby in woman’s armsStress is the major reason for parents’ frustrations with their kids. Do you remember seeing your first-born child for the first time? You might have been astonished at her eyes, or...

Post-Childbirth Stress

Post-Childbirth Stress

Coming home with a baby can be a happy event but also exhausting. New mums need to know what to do when they return home from the hospital. Here are some tips for the first few days home.

7 tips to raise an Independent Child

7 tips to raise an Independent Child

One of your most important goals as a parent is to raise children who become independent and self-reliant people, however, as it’s easier said than done, after becoming parents we tend to be overprotective rather than over-ignoring which make it even harder for the children to learn to be independent. Here are 7 tips you can apply in your daily parenting that would help create your child’s early independence.

Common Summer Skin problems in Children

Common Summer Skin problems in Children

The heat, the moist in the air, the insects and wild flowers contain risks of triggering our child’s sensitive skin in the summer. It’s important that parents are aware of those conditions and how to deal with them.