Celebrate Mexican Cinco de Mayo at home with your kids

Celebrate Mexican Cinco de Mayo at home with your kids

Cinco de Mayo has been chosen as a day to celebrate Mexican culture and heritage. This bank holiday, if you and your family decide to have a stay-home weekend, Safehaus UK recommends some fun activities you can do with your children while teaching them about another culture on the other side of the globe.

Common Spring Allergies in Children

Common Spring Allergies in Children

Spring is here again! It doesn’t just bring warmth but also allergies. As parents you should be prepare with the information, to protect your children from springtime allergies.

4 Quick Tips about New Born Baby Care For New Mothers

NEW BORN BABY AND MOTHERHOOD Bringing a new born baby home and the prospect of the weight of her new responsibilities as a new mother, increases her anxiety level a hundred times.  This is when most new mothers need a proper time management strategy. It is also during...

How to Choose the Right Respite Childcare Provider

How to Choose the Right Respite Childcare Provider

As a parent, are you in charge of taking care of a child who is sick or disabled? You can’t and shouldn’t try to do it alone. Instead, you should find a respite childcare provider who can give you a break from time to time so that you can tend to your own needs....

Child care! An over flogged issue?

I have listened, read and watched with great interest, the great hoopla about childcare in the media recently. Each time, the issues about childcare being flogged over and over again makes me wonder! Are we now at a stage where we wait for the government to make our...

8 things you would like to say to your kids (culled)

8 things you would like to say to your kids (culled)

I saw this blog by an American parent blogger. I just had to post on here. How many parents can relate to this? by Amber Dusick This story was published on CrappyPictures.com. (Attention: If this is the first post of mine you’ve ever read you might think I’m one of...

7 Key Childcare Search Strategies

Finding The Right Childcare Providers. You are looking for the best available child care provider who will tick all or most of your boxes, which things are important and which ones are not? Helpful Guide Finding the right childcare provider that fits your needs can be...

Family looking for nanny ASAP

Family looking for nanny ASAP. Manchester. Hours 11am - 5.30pm Mon-Sun. Good rates of pay with mileage fee. Contact www.safehaus-uk.co.uk/contact or alternatively click here and apply online.

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